Sight Loss
Learning to manage stress effectively is essential for managing sight loss. Losing vision has been one of the most challenging issues I've had to deal with in my life and if I had not had the good fortune to have incredible teachers and counsellors help me on the way I am not sure how I would have coped both physically and emotionally. I have learned how to relax into my eyesight as it is and have developed my sense of balance and touch to a high degree of expertise. This is something you can learn and that I teach.
When you have vision loss the normal pattern is to make some extra effort in order to try to see. This can set up tension patterns in the whole of your body, face, head and neck and mind. When you don't do this you feel calmer, more balanced and in control and better able to cope with navigating and interacting both physically and socially.
I'd be very happy to talk with anyone who would like to know more, has any questions or would like to come and give it a go. Please give me a call on 07530959897 any time and leave a message if 'm not about and I'll call you back.