Alternative Treatments and Therapies for Back Pain in Brighton, Hove, Portslade & Sussex
"97% of people with back pain could benefit by learning the Alexander Technique - it is only a very small minority of back pain sufferers that require medical intervention such as surgery."
Jack Stern, Renowned Spinal Neurosurgeon
Alexander Technique and hypnotherapy combined are extremely effective alternative treatments for managing back pain. As a qualified Alexander Technique teacher and hypnotherapist, I work with private clients in Brighton, Hove, Portslade, and Sussex to provide alternative treatments for lower, middle, and chronic back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, and sciatica.
How do alternative treatments help back pain?
Back pain treatment using the Alexander Technique, hypnotherapy, and alternative therapies can help you carry yourself with a good muscular balance and reduce any excess tension that contributes to your back pain. You will also work to calm the response of your nervous system which will change your pain signals at a neurological level.
Naturally produced serotonin is known to be the most effective pain killer – far more effective than opioids and NSAIDs. By using alternative treatments for back pain, you will learn how to generate this through your behavior and actions and develop a deep understanding of how the brain works in relation to pain.
What causes chronic back pain?
Back pain can be prevented or helped by moving and carrying yourself well (sitting, standing, bending, lifting, etc). The way you use your back affects the way it functions and using it well is less likely to cause strain and pain.
Excess tension creates compression throughout the whole structure which contributes to pressure on the discs and vertebrae of your back. Simply forcing yourself to sit or stand 'straight' does not deal with this excess tension and so will not reduce the compression forces in your spine and back.
You need to learn how to manage yourself in an easier and more balanced way that avoids you becoming either rigid, collapsed or stressed. You can learn to change the postural and behavioural habits that are contributing to your back pain. If you want to learn how to treat back pain using the Alexander Technique or alternative treatments, get in touch today for a free consultation.
The right alternative treatment for your back pain
When I work with clients with back pain, we make an individualised plan of action taking into account the lifestyle, causes of pain and goals of the client to work towards effective solutions using alternative treatments. Whether it’s lower back pain, middle back pain or chronic back pain, the approach I use will teach you to manage your own back pain well. I don't offer a quick fix, but I can give you the tools you need to manage your back for the rest of your life.
A course of six sessions is a great starting place and clients often find that they have made a significant long-term improvement by the end of the course. They also often find that they have made improvements in other areas of their life as well that they hadn't considered prior to their back pain treatment sessions.
Chronic back pain alternative treatments in Sussex
If you have any questions about alternative treatments for chronic back pain in Brighton, Hove, Portslade, or Sussex, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I'd love to hear from you with any questions at all.
I'm always happy to hear about what is going on for you and explain what I do and how I can help, so book your free consultation today.
07530 959 897

Alexander Technique is included in the May 2009 NICE guidelines for low back pain.
The Medical Research Council & NHS funded large scale randomised trial (BMJ 19 Aug 2008) showed the Alexander Technique provides long term benefit for back pain sufferers.
24 AT lessons led to a reduction from 21 days a month in pain to 3 days a month and to an improvement in functioning and quality of life.
I am currently taking part as one of the Alexander Technique teachers in a further trial which aims to show the effectiveness of the Alexander Technique for back pain. It's another large scale randomised trial being run through Southampton University in conjunction with referrals from the NHS. It will be very exciting to get a good result from this trial (which I expect we will) as this will mean that the NICE guidelines will allow NHS GP's to refer patients for the Alexander Technique. This process will take a while but it's a very exciting step for those in my profession. Watch this space!
Steve's Story:
Steve has been a painter and decorator for over 25 years. He has suffered from recurring back pain and sciatica over a number of years as a result of having to spend time working kneeling, in awkward positions and also using his arm in a repetitive motion. He has found some relief from seeing his Chiropractor to whom he is very grateful. Steve had six lessons in the Alexander Technique, once a week and now has tools that he can use to manage his back himself.
"The best thing you can do is to go to someone to teach you how to help yourself. The long term benefits of being able to understand your ability to do this is the best thing you can discover."
Stephen Grantham, former pupil